Species Unknown | Ageless

A rowdy yet lovable snowball! He is childlike and has a lot to learn about the human world.

He loves spending quality time with people he cares about and encouraging others. However, he has terrible time management and fears that he will never find a place to truly call home. Snowbun is a friendly snow being with two flower petals for ears and a heartwarming smile.


Human | Female | 10 Years Old

A young girl in the 5th grade with a passion for art and socializing with others.

Lea loves to spend her time drawing whenever she isn’t busy doing homework. She dreams of one day having a pet of her own, but her father will never let her have one. She also struggles with perfectionism and tends to be indecisive - consulting others to help her with big decisions. She meets an unlikely friend on the way to school and everything changes.


Human | Male | 38 Years Old

A stern man with an only daughter, Lea, who is strict about his daughter’s studies and wants her to succeed.

He is the antagonistic drive to the story that occupies Lea with many chores and studies so that she doesn’t have time to pursue art. He desires for Lea to focus on building a great career - so she doesn’t end up working arduous, physical labor as he has. Although, he is incredibly stubborn and is weak in sympathizing with others.


Human | Female | 24 Years Old

An introverted local artist and craftswoman that creates unique, one-of-a-kind illustrations.

She is somewhat introverted but has hyperactive tendencies, becoming easily distracted - yet she is incredibly passionate about her work. Jana’s strengths lie in flexibility, communication with clients, and quality service. However, she finds it difficult to market herself to others and manage too many projects at once.


Species Unknown | Female | Ageless

A godling of ice that enjoys observing the human world but lacks the courage to interact with them.

Jaeru is a fast learner, but she is easily fatigued. She struggles with her immortality and how she can use her time to the fullest but wants to make happy memories with others. She ultimately desires to be loved and show love but fears that she is forever meant to be alone.


Human | Female | 70 Years Old

A comforting and jolly elderly woman that loves to dote on her family when they aren’t around.

Eleanor has fragile health, so she mostly stays indoors and creates tons of tasty food - mostly to share with her granddaughter, Lea. She loves to dote on her family, especially when they aren’t around. She yearns to teach her loved ones everything she knows and fears that she will be forgotten with time.