UH Animation Club

Never in a million years would I think I’d help initiate the creation of a student organization. But here we are!

This is all thanks to my awesome Co-Founders: Edward Bayona, Alan Garcia, and Denny Vu
And our amazing Spring 2023 Officers: Natalie Rees, Edie Wackwitz, Aster Tieu, Erin Stilley, Pauline Le, Helene Morford, Ashton Serrano, Miriam Lowry, and Kimberlyn G!

What is the Animation Club? If you are passionate about bringing life to a design or drawing with animation, join the Animation Club!

The goal of the UH Animation Club is to connect aspiring animators and build their skills with creative challenges, workshops, and speaker events. The club is sectioned into 2D Animation, 3D Animation, and Motion Design interest fields. The club has mentors in each section to help you with any specific questions, give advice, or give feedback for your animation project. And I am one of the 2D Animation mentors!

  • Creative Challenges: Every week/every two weeks there is a creative challenge that will be posted on the Discord server. These challenges are meant to get students to start animating more as a habit! Each challenge will be accompanied by a short video tutorial and files, so even if you are new to animation, you can still participate! At the end of the week, we will share the challenge submissions on the Animation Club’s Instagram and LinkedIn.

  • Workshops: Workshops are virtual live events where mentors will teach you guys some interesting animation techniques.

  • Speaker Events: We invite professionals from the animation industry so you can get valuable insight into the industry itself and feel inspired to keep practicing! We also accept speaker suggestions.

  • Social Events: Every now and then we like to hold socials, so you can network and learn more about the other club members! We love to frequent online, multiplayer games (such as Scribbl.io or Gartic Phone) to encourage creative skills to convert messages or indications.

We already have an amazing lineup of professionals in the animation industry set to present to us as a club, including:

  • Hung Le - Bien Studio

  • Limbert Fabian

  • Jocelyn Randolph - Control Shift Video & Motion Pixel Association

  • James Ramirez - FriedPixels

  • Ashley Lange - Powerhouse Animation Studios


HCHSA X UH | Mosaic Tile Fountain