3D Modeling & Animation Projects

Models are created entirely in Autodesk Maya and all painted textures resources are created in Adobe Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint EX.

Lunar Bunny

Snail: Original Character [Spring 2023]

Model created and rigged in Autodesk Maya.

Created for my Independent Study college course, this original character, Snail the rabbit, will operate the as the player for a VR game developed with my peer, Julie Lai.

Snail will wield a celestial weapon to operate as an archer to shoot down its enemies, the corrupted Rooster minions, as it seeks to purify the moon before the Lunar Year ends.

The turnaround sheet was illustrated in Adobe Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint. The model was created in Autodesk Maya.

Chick: Original Character [Spring 2023]

Created for my Independent Study college course, this original character, Snail the rabbit, will operate the as the player for a VR game developed with my peer, Julie Lai.

Snail will wield a celestial weapon to operate as an archer to shoot down its enemies, the corrupted Rooster minions, as it seeks to purify the moon before the Lunar Year ends.

The turnaround sheet was illustrated in Adobe Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint. The model was created in Autodesk Maya.

Meya: Original Character [Fall 2022]

Created for my 3D Modelling & Animation college course, I modeled one of my original characters, Meya in Autodesk Maya. I created a topographic illustration to base the model on in Adobe Photoshop.

This is my first detailed build compared to characters I have made in the past for Skills USA 3D Animation competitions in high school (2015-2017).

This was a great learning experience and I learned a lot about topology principles. I will carry this experience forward into my next 3D models and improve as much as I can!

My greatest challenge throughout this project was skin weight painting and cutting UV Shells in appropriate ways.